description: 'layer resizable_stack for configurable component'
# resizable_stack layer
`resizable_stack` allows for variable size outputs on the generator. A conv stack is repeated until the output size is reached.
If you specify "segment_softmax" this repeats the pattern:
normalize(expects style vector named 'w')
conv ...
activation(before last layer)
and ends in:
segment_softmax output_channels
## arguments
* layer type. Defaults to "segment_softmax"
## optional arguments
* segment_channels - The number of channels before segment_softmax. Defaults to 5
* max_channels - The most channels for any conv. Default 256
* style - the style vector to use. Default "w"
## input size
Any 4-d tensor
## output size
[B, output channels, output height, output width]
## syntax
"resizable_stack segment_softmax"
## examples
"identity name=w",
"linear 8*8*256",
"resizable_stack segment_softmax",
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